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Innovation Reference Model

Page history last edited by Jeffrey Phillips 13 years, 5 months ago

The second model or framework within our collaborative innovation reference framework is the Innovation Reference Model.


In the first PowerPoint model we defined the "layers" of existing capability or competency and set up a framework for innovation.  In the
Innovation Reference Model, we identify five "areas" within a business that must be considered when an innovation effort is planned or implemented.


These five areas are:

  • Strategic Context
  • Trajectories, Discovery and Insight
  • Systemic Innovation Processes
  • Go To Market capabilities
  • Enabling and Scalable Infrastructure


These five "areas" of a business are required to support an innovation effort, and must be considered in any innovation exercise or the innovation effort
is less likely to achieve expected goals.



Click here to view the Innovation Reference Model in a PowerPoint format.


Email us your comments, suggestions or edits to the Innovation Reference Model or send us a request to participate  on the site.

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